Consistence and 3 partner companies (FrieslandCampina and 2 others) have started mapping the structure of CHEESE at all length scales, to compile the scattered knowledge of cheese microstructure. ELINE HOEDEMAKER and JANNES VAN DEN BAAR will study several cheeses with advanced imaging methods that complement each other (CLSM, SEM, cryofixed, chemfixed, etc). Combining their findings with existing knowledge from literature, they will compose a standardised map of structures in cheeses at all length scales. This synopsis is aimed to dig out what can be concluded about cheese structure, but also what is yet unknown. Many thanks to MAX MOLENDIJK for introducing them into advanced imaging methodologies and efficient reporting! Stay connected to see the progress ……….
The photos show some of their first images plus Jannes and Eline translating the various results into schematic images.